Make Milk Last
- Keep it Cold
- Shake it Up
- Drink it Quick
Milk quality and freshness depends on how it is handled from cow to glass. At Milky Way Farm, we take extra precaution to ensure milk is safe, cold and fresh. That attention to detail starts at the time milk is harvested through the delivery of our milk to you. How milk is handled from the store to your fridge is just as important. Milky Way Farm milk can maintain its freshness for several weeks; however, it’s important to follow our tips for maximum enjoyment of our delicious milk.
Here are our tips to help Make Milk Last!
- Make the dairy aisle your last stop in the grocery store.
- Keep an insulated bag in your vehicle. Consider placing milk in a cooler with ice or a freezer pack, especially if the trip is longer than 30 minutes or if the temperature outside is warm.
- Refrigerate your milk as soon as possible! Place milk in the fridge first.
- Store milk on the fridge shelf or in the back of the fridge. Never store milk in the fridge door.
- Make sure your fridge is properly cooling. Fridge temperature should be 39 degrees or below.
- Use a separate thermometer inside your refrigerator to monitor the temperature. This will serve as a check of the built-in digital thermometer.
- Consider testing the temperature of your milk with a food thermometer to make sure your fridge is cooling correctly. You may need to adjust your fridge temperature to correctly cool your foods.
- Always shake non-homogenized milk well before enjoying. Shaking not only distributes the cream, it will also prevent dried cream from collecting in the neck and cap of the milk jug and exposing it to oxygen causing off flavors.
- Never leave milk out on the counter during a meal or while cooking. Put it back in the fridge as soon as you are done using it.
- Milk is always freshest when its first opened. It is a good idea to consume a jug of milk within seven to ten days after opening.

Enter Our Giveaway
Enter our Make Milk Last giveaway for a chance to win an insulated cooler bag and a food thermometer.
Contest valid from June 1-30, 2023 and is open only to Milky Way Farm customers. Winners will be notified within ten days of June 30. A valid email and phone number is required to win. Giveaway prizes will be delivered to retail partners. No shipping is available.
*By entering, you give Milky Way Farm permission to email promotions and information.